Cypraea staphylaea
consobrina descripta, Iredale 1935
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J' ai trouvé cette Staphylaea staphylaea consobrina var descripta dans les tiroirs de la Coll. Juvigny (ex Coll. Laquaris) avec un taxa plus simple: Stapylaea descripta tel que Iredale l' avait nommée. Celle-ci provient de Tryon Island (Queensland). Elle est bien ''ronde'' comme consobrina mais la base est pâle comme staphylaea et les dents me semblent plus fines. En résumé cette variété est originaire de la Mer de Corail: « The Schilders have separated staphylaea into four races, allowing descripta as the name for the East Australian race, admitting it may be larger than the Pacific race which they call consobrina Garrett. It will be found later that many races occur in these localities, especially as the Schilders range typical staphylaea from the Andamans to Japan and then include New Caledonia, but specimens from the lastnamed locality are very like some Queensland shells.» In Australian cowries part II par Tom Iredale (Australian Zoologist vol. 9). Les pustules me semblent plus proches de staphylaea. Taille: 23 mm.
I found this Staphylaea staphylaea consobrina var descripta in the drawers of Coll. Juvigny (ex. Coll. Laquaris) with a simpler taxa: Stapylaea descripta as Iredale named it. This is from Tryon Island (Queensland). It is "round" as consobrina but the base is pale as staphylaea and the teeth seem to me finer. In summary this variety is native to the Sea of Coral: «The Schilders have separated staphylaea into four races, allowing descripta as the name for the East Australian race, admitting it may be larger than the Pacific race which they call consobrina Garrett. It will be found later that many races occur in these localities, especially as the Schilders range typical staphylaea from the Andamans to Japan and then include New Caledonia, but specimens from the lastnamed locality are very like some Queensland shells.» In Australian cowries part II, Tom Iredale (Australian Zoologist vol. 9). The pustules seem closer to staphylaea. Size: 23 mm.